24 ARYABHATIYA no example of the working of the rule according to his interpretation. To what do the words "square" and "non-square" of his translation refer? The words of Aryabhata exactly fit the method employed in later Indian mathematics. Although Brahmagupta does not give a rule for square root, his method for cube root is that described below, although the wording of his rule is different from that of Aryabhata's. I fail to see any similarity to the rule and method of Theon of Alexandria. In the following example the sign ° indicates the varga places, and the sign - indicates the avarga places. 15129 (root = l Square of the root 1 Twice the root 2) 05 (2=quotient (or next digit of root) (2X1) 4 11 Square of the quotient 4 Twice the root 24)72(3=quotient (m next digit of root) ^2X12) 72 09 Square of the quotient 9 0 Square root is 1 2 3 5. One should divide the second aghana by three times the square of the (cube) root of the (preceding) ghana. The square (of the quotient) multiplied by three times the purva (that part of the cube root already found) is to be subtracted from the first